How to Pick Your Perfect Motorhome!

When you start shopping for a recreational vehicle, you’ll find plenty of options out there and it can be difficult to choose which one is right for you! We have created this quick guide to help you make your final decision if you’re considering a motorhome but aren’t sure what kind of model you want. Read on to learn more, and if you’ve any questions, visit our dealership and let us show you our extensive selection of motorhomes for sale.

Consider the Size

One of the most important points you need to consider when selecting your motorhome is the size of the camper you want. Think about the type of vehicle you will be comfortable driving, what your main use for your motorhome will be, and how many maximum members will be there in your camping group.

Class A Motorhomes are by far the biggest motorhomes on the road. There are models that can be as long as 40 feet, which offer plenty of space for entertaining, cooking, and relaxing. Experienced RVers driving large vehicles will feel right at home, however, beginners may need some practice maneuvering.

Class C motorhomes are the mid-sized option comprising models that range between 25 and 35 feet in length. Driving a Class C unit is like driving a box delivery truck. These rigs are quite flexible in terms of sleeping and living accommodations and are available in a wide range of styles.

The smallest motorhomes come under class B. These campers are usually built on a large van chassis, feature compact floor plans, and have only a few sleeping arrangements. Almost any driver will feel comfortable driving these motorhomes, and most models are agile enough to be used as a vehicle for going around town.


The features of your motorhome will determine your level of comfort through your ownership experience. If you head out mostly for weekends, the basic models are sufficient, while full-timers typically need more amenities to stay comfortable.

Class A motorhomes are known for offering the most luxurious amenities. Some models are designed with extended living in mind, coming equipped with stacked washer/dryer units, residential-style refrigerators, and state-of-the-art entertainment centers.

Class C motorhomes are generally designed for short vacations. These campers come with expanded kitchen amenities or upgraded entertainment features, but by and large, Class C motorhomes are meant for small family camping trips.

Class B motorhomes range from basic models to more elaborate options, but no matter what level of comfort you choose, everything will be compact. The lack of enough storage space may be a disadvantage, but they make up for this by being more efficient, as Class B motorhomes are much less expensive to operate compared to the larger motorhomes. These RVs are designed for efficient, organized travel and are best for those on a tight budget.

Ready to look at some high-quality motorhomes? Visit White Sands RV in Summerdale, Alabama, where we offer a wide range of motorhomes for all travel lifestyles and budgets. We proudly serve those in Mobile, AL, and Pensacola, FL.

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